Philip Linden winnar?

wee I won. 🙂

I’d just like to thank all my little minions first and for most, my family for always being there for me, and my pure skill pwnage. Mostly the last part. I’m kidding! But seriously, I’m happy that Philip found a new avatar that he is thrilled about. and I just want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.

~ by Mars Absent on October 17, 2010.

5 Responses to “Philip Linden winnar?”

  1. Woot! I knew you would! This avi is just freaking amazing along with the rest of your work.

  2. Especially I love the boots from Opium AV on this av 😛

  3. I’m speechless…you sir, are an Artiste…lmfao, this is redonk *thumbs up*

  4. Congrats, Mars! By looking at all the possible avatars submitted for the competition, I’d have picked yours too 🙂 Your victory is truly well deserved!

  5. WTG! I knew you would.

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